We assess in a number of ways. We carry out our own baseline assessment when a child begins in Nursery and Reception to find their starting point, know what to teach them next, and so we can measure their progress and diminish any gaps in their learning.
At the start of their Reception year we complete a Government 'Baseline Assessment' within the first few weeks at school so that individual pupil progress can be measured across their schooling to age 11.
We have on-going individual pupil targets in Maths and English that each child works towards. We use the 'Evidence Me' online monitoring tool to capture learning experiences which we assess and link to all of the learning stages in the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.
Liaison with parents is also used to inform assessments through completed home-learning challenges, home achievement leaves and parent/carer observations added to 'Evidence Me'.
We re-assess children's learning each half term in Reading, Maths, Writing and Phonics to monitor progress and find out what we need to teach them next.
All children are assessed for each Curriculum subject each half term as being 'On Track' or 'Not on Track' with our curriculum objectives and expectations.
Tracking for all 17 EYFS areas is completed 3 times a year.
Children who are 'Not on Track' receive focussed interventions, small group and 1:1 teaching or may have individual 'Support Plans'. Pupils receiving Pupil Premium funding also have 'Next Steps' targets.
At the end of the Reception year, a judgement is made by the teacher as to whether or not each child has achieved the 'Early Leaning Goal (ELG)' in each of the areas of learning. A detailed written report is given to the parent/carer alongside a Pupil Progress & Achievement Meeting to discuss this and all information is passed/discussed with the next Year 1 teacher.