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Everything that we do at our school is focussed on the ethos and values of...

  • We work hard, listen and do our best!
  • We know how to 'Speak Out!'
  • We keep happy and safe!
  • We respect the differences of others!
  • We celebrate achievements!
  • We like to make people proud of us!
  • We learn to help our future choices!
  • We look after each other and know how to stop bullying!
  • We are kind, well-mannered and helpful!
  • We learn how to be healthy!

'School is amazing. I like my teachers. I have lots of fun' Oliver - 4

'I love the mud kitchen it makes me happy' Stevie - 4

' I love that we have a real beanstalk and I climb up it like Jack to the clouds and slide down it' Jack - 5

'I like all the school trips because they're always fun' Samuel - 7

'I like all the sports we do' Logan - 6

'School is fun and the teachers have lovely smiles on their faces everyday' Iona - 4
