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Curriculum Statement


Our curriculum at Kilburn Infant & Nursery School is a carefully planned, thematic approach to teaching and learning, designed to support children's natural curiosity, stimulate their creativity, and promote life-long learning.


The curriculum that we teach to the children delivers our five curriculum aims to:

  •  Provide a broad, balanced and progressive EYFS and Key Stage One National Curriculum 
  • Develop the full potential of every child to thrive and achieve
  • Teach safe, healthy lifestyles and promote mental wellbeing
  •  Develop pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
  • Promote British Values and prepare pupils for life in Modern Britain


Our school is fully inclusive and our curriculum is adapted to accommodate all children irrespective of their needs or difficulties.


Many of our children join our school without the opportunities/experiences of their peers nationally, and with lower Communication & Language skills. We create exciting, activity and language-rich environments with 'Every Child a Talker' trained staff to accelerate language learning, and to give children access to a wide range of resources and equipment they have not experienced previously.


Kilburn is a large village within a mainly White town, and our children are supported to be able to take their place in a multicultural, outward looking world, through our direct and indirect teaching, including half-termly learning themes such as 'From Kilburn to Kenya.. where would you prefer to live?'; 'What do I celebrate?'; 'What can you tell me about London?' and assembly themes such as 'Black History Month'.


We have developed our own half termly 'Question based Learning Projects' to integrate learning for Science, History, Geography, Art and Design Technology. Alongside this we then deepen and extend this learning by integrating our own schemes of work/learning for Maths, English, Phonics, PSHE, RSHE, PE & Sports, RE, Computing, Music and Mental Health. Each of our cross-curricular themes include a 'Memorable Experience' to enthuse and 'Engage' our learners e.g. 'What makes a Magnificent Monarch?' = a visit to Warwick Castle, and the theme then moves through 'Develop' and 'Innovate' learning, before finishing with an 'Express' section where children are able to apply all of their learning from the project, to create an experience for parents to see/join in with e.g. displays, picnics, galleries, demonstrations.


Our Curriculum Intent is full delivery of all statutory Early Years and National Curriculum learning objectives, with progressive learning building on previous learning, and with additional opportunities to learn new vocabulary, have Memorable/Cultural Capital/Extra-Curricular experiences, and learn/remember lots of 'Interesting Facts' or 'Sticky Knowledge' that will stay with the children as they grow older.


We give all children a piece of A3 card for each school holiday and encourage them to find out about their next learning theme or to think of things that they would like to find out through our learning.


Please see our 'Curriculum Content Overviews' below for progressive learning content, Nursery to Year Two, in each subject. We are updating our Overviews every half term and will update our website regularly. If you would like the latest version of any of the Overviews below, please contact the school:




