We believe strongly in transition to make the journey from Nursery to Reception and from Reception into Key Stage One a positive and smooth experience. Throughout the year the gates between the Nursery and Reception playgrounds are opened for the children to mix with others and begin to build bonds with staff and familiarise themselves with the Reception building. In Reception the children frequently mix with the children in the KS1 building as they have lunch and assemblies together in the main hall. They are given opportunities to meet all the staff. As the children get ready to go to their new classes transition sessions are provided where all children visit their next class to meet the staff and familiarise themselves with their next classroom. Staff also meet to pass on information and assessments so that the child’s next class teacher is fully aware of where the children are and individual circumstances that are deemed important can be discussed.
We also provide lots of opportunities for the children and their parents/carers who are new to our school to familiarise themselves with the environments and staff. This includes Open Mornings, New Starters visits, Reception class visits and a New Starters meeting for Reception parents/carers in the Summer term before they start school.
For children who are not ready for the National Curriculum teaching in Year 1, extended time to achieve the Early Learning goals is given. As children come in at different starting points not all reach the Early Learning Goals and this is recognised and we ensure that these children are continuously enriched in all areas of the Curriculum so that they are capable and ready for their next academic stage.