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In September 2021, compulsory Government changes were made to the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (EYFS) which we follow at KINS with guidance and support from the non-statutory 'Development matters' document.


In Nursery (FS1) we provide an enabling environment that allows for children to develop important life skills such as curiosity, creativity, problem solving, use of their imagination, concentration and persistence through purposeful child initiated play experiences. We exploit opportunities for independent learning through the use of regular routines which positively impact on well-being, confidence, and behaviour. Child initiated themes are constantly used to develop and enhance children's own interests, as well as teaching our own  ‘Question-based Learning Projects’ including our own schemes of work/learning (see our 'Curriculum' tab).


In Reception (FS2) we provide a balanced curriculum of teacher/child led activities on a daily basis. Outdoor provision is set up and provided each day during the morning and afternoon sessions.


We deliver whole class teaching sessions of English, Maths and Phonics which are carefully matched to the children's learning needs. We also work with the children in small groups to develop and consolidate their learning throughout a mixture of practical and written activities, alongside recording observations of their learning on 'Evidence Me', our online assessment and record keeping tool.


High quality Continuous Provision activities are delivered which are continually enhanced and changed to maintain, deepen and support children's interest and developmental skills.


We teach through our own 'Question-based Learning Projects' to deliver a high, stimulating and varied set of topics, introduced with a question, to develop the enquiring mind and extend  the children in all areas of learning to develop a range of skills beginning with a ‘Memorable Experience’. This might include an educational visit to another setting/a visitor in school/specific party (pyjama/story) etc. These ‘experiences’ are designed to inspire our children and support their 'Cultural Capital' development as they begin their new topic. Our topics include: 'Who am I/ Who are you?', 'Why do leaves go crispy?', 'Who lives in a land far, far away?', 'Are eggs alive?', 'Why can't I have chocolate for breakfast?', 'Are we there yet?'. Our Curriculum Content Overviews Nursery - Year 2 can be viewed on the 'Curriculum' tab of our website.


Our 2022 Ofsted Report stated that "The Early Years curriculum is ambitious. It is well planned and sequenced. Leaders regularly review provision to ensure that it is helping all children to learn the curriculum".
